Welcome To

Jaw Jaw Atela

About Us

Living With The Maroons

We offer a back-to-basic jungle village experience in Suriname where we share our life and traditions. Our village is located in the Surinamese rainforest, with a local community of people who live in harmony with nature for generations. We offer visitors the chance to disconnect from modern life and learn about our way of life, from traditional medicine to local events. By opening our hearts, our team ensures a unique and authentic stay for all guests while minimizing our impact on the environment. Enjoy an unforgettable experience in the heart of the Surinamese jungle!

Leave the city, enjoy nature. Live like the locals in the jungle. Walk, explore, and breathe clean air. Relax and make amazing memories with us.


Back to basic jungle experiences
At Jaw Jaw Atela

Tailor made tours

Enjoy a customized jungle adventure tailored to your interests. We offer a variety of activities such as jungle hikes, caymen spotting, fishing and local events, depending on your personal interests.


Pick between comfortable authentic huts or simple hammocks in the jungle. Our lodgings are in the village with basic facilities, giving you a chance to relax and enjoy the outdoors.

Our way of living

Our goal is to immerse guests in local culture and offer an authentic travel experience. We do this by providing cultural activities, and involving with guests in our daily life.

Disconnect from modern life, connect with nature

See you soon at Jaw Jaw Atela!